How to Retrieve Shift Deleted Files? | Ultimate Guide

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Summary: Did you accidentally press Shift + Delete and can’t undo it? You’re in the right place to retrieve shift-deleted files. Follow this article and choose the solution that works best for you.

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What Does Shift + Delete Do?

Too understand what Shift Delete keys do, it is important to understand what Delete key does. When the files are selected and deleted using only the delete keys, the files are moved to Recycle Bin temporarily and files are not erased from file system.

When you use both Shift and Delete keys to delete a file from Windows PC, it surpasses the Recycle Bin. Therefore, the files are erased permanently and cannot be retrieved back.

Can I Recover Shift Deleted Files?

If you are wondering if it is possible to recover files deleted with Shift Delete keys, the answer would be yes. Yes, you can easily recover shift deleted files from Windows computer. The files that are deleted, will be marked as empty by the file system, to be used by new written data. Therefore, it is always recommended not to use the drive until recovery is done. This may overwrite the existing data and make recovery of files from the drive challenging.

How to Recover Shift Deleted Files in Windows 11/10 or Older Windows Versions?

You can either make use of the device backup utility lille File History to recover files deleted from Shift Delete keys or a well programmed Data Recovery Software to recover permanently deleted files using Shift Delete

When there is no backup for the deleted files, you must opt for an effective data recovery software to restore shift deleted files. Try SFWare Deleted File Recovery Software, easy to use, built with advanced algorithms to recover almost all file types, and safe as it works offline.

Download the tool now to undo shift delete files, like how an expert would do:

“Recovers just about any data that’s actually recoverable”Know More

Other Salient Features of SFWare Deleted File Recovery Software include:

  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Save Recovery Sessions
  • Add File Type

Step 1: Launch the tool, select the drive where shift-deleted files were stored, and click on Start Scan

Select the shift deleted files drive
Step 2: After a few Seconds of Quick Scan, the tool starts displaying deleted files on the Deleted Files and Lost and Found Files folder

locate the data on the folders
Step 3: Locate the files and folders you would like to recover
(Use the search bar and filters to locate files easily)

locate the recovered data
Step 4: Double-click on the file to preview them, if you are satisfied with the preview click on Save to restore the files on your device.
Suggestion: Save the recovered files in a new location to avoid losing them again.

preview and save the recovered data that were shift deleted

Recover Shift Deleted files using File History

File History is the backup feature utility comes in all the Windows OS versions.  The File History holds the copies of the files, to retrieve them back if they are lost, damaged or cannot be accessed.  To use the feature in Windows, one must enable the File History prior to any data loss situations. To activate File History:

Open the Settings application on Windows

  1. Go to Update & Security > Backup
  2. Add a backup drive by clicking on the Add a drive option
  3. An on/off button will appear for Automatically back up my files. Make sure the slider is in the On
    File history to recover shift deleted files

If you have enabled the File History, follow the next steps to recover shift deleted

Step 1: Type File History in the search bar

Step 2: Under Settings in search results, click Restore your files with File History

Step 3: If you are told that the feature is not enabled, click Configure File History settings

Step 4: Select the drive for which you’d like to enable the feature and then click Turn on

Keep in mind that Windows 11 and 10 backs up only the folders in your User folder, and it does so every hour. Once you have enabled this feature in advance, you can restore files from the copies. To restore Shift deleted files from File History:

Step 1. Type File History in the search bar

Step 2. Under Settings in search results, click Restore your files with File History

Step 3. Browse through the available folders and select your deleted files. Click the green arrow to restore the files.


With the help of File History, you should be able to recover your Shift Deleted files, if you were unable to recover using the approach, you can always rely on the best approach: SFWare Data Recovery software. It is always rewarding to have backup of your important files to avoid any data loss scenarios.

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