If you are encountering an error stating File cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents in Word while trying to open a file, it may be due to the corruption in the Word document. Sometimes, it occurs when file is shared on multiple devices. Be a Windows user or Mac user, this article helps you fix the error using various simple methods. If you are Windows user and tried all the manual methods and still unable to fix the error, try the professional choice SFWare to fix the error.
This error message indicates that the Word file contents have some issue which is preventing Microsoft Word from opening the file.
The content error message is not very common. So whenever you encounter this error – “The file DOCX cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents”, it indicates that the Word file could be corrupted. Some of the reasons behind Word document corruption are as follows:
Therefore, when you are unable to open Word DOCX file due to content error message, the next step is to fix the file that has a problem with content.
Sometimes, when file is shared with one or more devices, the error problem with the content occurs and cannot open the Word file. The Trust Centre settings of the Microsoft programs allow you to customize the privacy and security settings. Disable the protected view settings it can also resolve and open corrupt word DOC and DOCX files. to fix the issue where the Word file would not open.
With the help of above mentioned method, any problem or corruption with the Word document will be fixed. Suppose Word DOCX file doesn’t get fixed with Open and Repair option, then it means the corruption could be more severe. You need a Word File Repair software to fix the file.
The SFWareWord File Repair application is built with strong algorithms that fix corrupt docx file which displays content error message. The tool scans and extracts data from the damaged Word DOCX file and saves it in a new healthy Word file, thus keeping the original file unaltered. The application repairs .docx / .doc files and also recovers text, hyperlinks, forms, OLE objects, clipart, and so on from the file. Thus it will safely repair DOCX file cannot be opened, and make it accessible again.
To fix the problem with the content error in Word document. download and install SFWare Repair Word Document software on your system and run the tool.
Steps to Fix DOCX File with Content Error:Fix docx cannot be opened problems with contents using SFWare
Bonus Information: With SFWare Word Repair utility you can also fix run-time error 4605 that occurs due to improper setting of preferences on Word application.
The above mentioned methods are helpful to fix the Word error problem with content on windows. What if you are a Mac user? How to fix the file problem with content or to be opened? The error indicates that it required permissions to access the file and the content.
Another way to fix this error is to boot into safe mode and fix the error. Working in Safe Mode fixes most of the problems in operating systems. Here's how:
The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents error can be solved with the solutions given above on both Windows and Mac.